Process of learning

 Learning is key, as this is important for reflection, development and understanding yourself as one. How one receives the information, the thought process, self-discovery - how this is generated and the consequences of this.  I generally find learning most effective when I am stretched or challenged in the process of an activity, usually when I've failed or something didn't quite go as well as I'd hoped. The process of reflection I find most interesting and exciting is always after the experience. We all learn in various ways and obtain different methods throughout the process to meet this successfully. There's no right way - learning is in the receiving and doing.


  1. I really like your idea of learning through things not going quite right, I feel like that sticks with us more, like a trial and error. This can sometimes bring out the most valuable learning experiences and move us forward in future situations.

    1. Absolutely, you're totally right. I must admit, the process doesn't always feel great in the moment but in the long run its very beneficial for our growth.


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